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When in doubt, please give us a call and we’ll be glad to help get you here.  910-653-2944 or 910-377-2489

Our address is 95 Dots Dr. Tabor City,  N.C.    We are 12  miles to the south east of Tabor City towards North Myrtle Beach.  We are 16 miles north west of North Myrtle Beach.  We are located on the NC/SC state line inside N.C.  It is worth the drive no matter where your coming from.  


Please remember out onsite speed limit is 10 mph to ensure the safety of all guests.


GPS coordinates Latitude: + 34.0581 N  and Longitude – 78.7103 W


From SC Hwy #9 going West toward Loris, SC. 14 miles out of No. Myrtle Beach on your right will be Black Bear Golf Course, turn right after course onto  Camp Swamp Rd., and follow 2.5 miles to the end of road (you will go into N.C. and the road will change names), then turn right onto “Dothan Road”, go 0.2 mi. to first left “Ramsey Ford”, follow for 2.5 miles to the Vineyard on the right.  



From NC 904 East: Leaving Tabor City, on 904 East, follow for 10 miles, take right onto “Guide” (just before the Power substation).  go to end of Guide (less than 1 mile); take a left onto Ramsey Ford and vineyard is 0.1 mi on right.


From NC Hwy 17: traveling from Ocean Isle/Calabash/Shallotte areas: 904 West….once you have left Hwy 17, travel west approximately 5 mi. 904 will turn left (towards Tabor City). go to the end and turn right, still on 904 west. Go approximately 4 miles to “Dulah Rd.” on the left (if you see Dulah Baptist Church you have gone 0.1 too far, say and prayer and turn around making the turn onto Dulah Rd).  We are 1.4 mi. on left.

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